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Don't Have A Cow, Man!
by KindMeal.my, 09 January 2015
Don't Have A Cow, Man!

That's what Bart Simpson says, and guess what? It's what the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee said in its proposed nutrition policy for 2015, issued last week.

The current proposal, which will soon re-open for public comments, recommends that Americans eat more fruits and vegetables while reducing consumption of red and processed meat. During open meeting sessions, earlier drafts of the Guidelines included “lean meat” on a list of foods that are health-promoting, consistent with the existing 2010 Guidelines. The final report, however, no longer includes “lean meat” on the list of healthful foods being recommended.

In fact, the proposal suggests that a diet higher in plant-based foods and lower in animal-based foods is “more health promoting and is associated with lesser environmental impact than is the current average US diet.”

Earlier meetings of the advisory panel suggested it may take a broader approach to its nutrition policy recommendations by also factoring in issues related to sustainability – specifically, how reducing meat consumption can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

These Dietary Guidelines for Americans are a joint project between the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services, a policy updated every five years. The current report will be reviewed by both federal agencies before another round of public comments will be accepted, and the final 2015 Guidelines will be published by the end of the year.

The big guns in the meat industry are not taking this well. This isn’t the first time the meat industry has been up in arms over meatless promotions within the federal government, so we can be sure they’ll put up a fight.

There are so many reasons to eat less or no meat – compassion for farmed animals, environmental impact of farming, health concerns, and more. It's really gratifying to see governments coming around to the same conclusion! Now if only the Americans had KindMeal.my, they'd find it much easier to make the transition to a plant-based diet.

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