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16 million Americans have quit eating meat
by KindMeal.my, 19 July 2016
16 million Americans have quit eating meat.

In 2009, a tiny 1% of the US population reported eating vegetarian or vegan. Now, 5% of the United States population is vegetarian and half of those people are vegan. The rates have skyrocketed over the last five years and studies show the rates are climbing.

So why are people continuing to go veg? The reason seems to involve a mix of various factors, with the largest impact coming from how much we have learned about commercial farming and animal treatment over the last five years.

Approximately 42% of those who do not eat animal products say that they went vegan after they saw an educational film. 69% said they chose to eat a vegan diet to support the ethical treatment of animals. 45% say they transitioned into veganism over time and of all those who are vegan, 52% say they have been eating vegan for less than 10 years. This could be an indicator of the way the country has become more knowledgeable about its food supply over the last five years.

These figures are just for the United States, but we know that people are increasingly choosing plant-based diets across much of the world, for a variety of reasons. There are ever more vegetarian restaurants cropping up, and more meat-free dishes appear on menus every day.

For ideas about some of the best meat-free dining options in Malaysia, check out http://KindMeal.my.

Source: http://goo.gl/HvoLus « Back To Articles