Serenading Cows with Music
Serenading Cows with Music
Cleveland (USA)-based musicians Amy Lee, Frank Rosenwein, and Joanna & Mike Zakany decided to test the musical sophistication of cattle Kayli, Maybelle, Mike and Maribeth. The results: you'll have to watch to see!
In short, it's pretty much what you'd expect from a human audience — some avid interest, and some sleepy wondering why they'd got tickets to this concert in the first place.
If you suspect that cows are witless animals who have no curiosity, however, think again! Watching their reactions to the music makes clear that they are individuals with very distinct opinions.
The more we see of these animals, the harder it becomes to justify eating them. Check out http://KindMeal.my for delectable, meat-free meals all over Malaysia.
Source: https://goo.gl/dAW8KK
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