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Cockatoo Hates Broccoli
by KindMeal.my, 30 July 2016
Cockatoo Hates Broccoli

This cockatoo is now a hero for broccoli-haters everywhere.

Watch the adorably defiant bird toss pieces of broccoli and the bowl they’re in when his person tells him, “Show all the kids how you eat your broccoli.” It's only a matter of time until she says, "Think of all the starving cockatoos in Ethiopia," right?

Okay, some of us love broccoli, and some of us don't. There are plenty of other great veggies out there, though, so when someone orders you to eat your vegetables, just zoom on over to http://KindMeal.my for a full range of meat-free meals, made with whatever vegetables you favour. Don't be like him.

Source: http://goo.gl/N70TCm « Back To Articles