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The Disappearing Pink Dolphins
by KindMeal.my, 01 August 2016
The Disappearing Pink Dolphins

Pink dolphins in Hong Kong's harbor? Yes. Chinese white dolphins to be exact—though they're known for their pink color, derived from a network of blood vessels close to the surface of their skin.

Conservationists warn that the dolphins are at risk of vanishing from Hong Kong waters, with the local population declining by more than half over the past decade, to around 60 individuals today.

The decline of these appealing marine mammals is largely attributed to water pollution and the habitat loss that has come with expanded development in and along the harbor.

While we might think that our actions here could hardly save the dolphins in Hong Kong, we can all still work together to reduce pollution and global warming by dining on more meat-free meals. If you're unsure about meat-free meals, start your journey of discovery at http://KindMeal.my.

Source: http://bit.ly/1ZbZcoS « Back To Articles