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Tokyo man takes giant pet tortoise out for a stroll
by KindMeal.my, 13 August 2016
Meet Bon-Chan the tortoise. While most people take their dogs for walks, one Tokyo resident goes for a regular stroll with Bon-Chan. Tortoises aren't known for their speed, but sometimes a nice, leisurely stroll is exactly what you need.

Mitani, Bon-chan's owner bought the tortoise 20 years ago from a pet shop when his wife fell in love with it. At that time Bon-chan was small enough to fit into to palm of Mitani's hand. Bon-chan is a 3ft long 70kg African spurred tortoise, and a very happy one. With his daily walks and a healthy diet of cabbage and carrots.

Bon-Chan is definitely an unusual pet... do you notice how excited the passers-by are when they see him? (Especially that dachshund!) Even if you don't keep them as pets, all animals are captivating in their own way, and none deserves to be killed for food.

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