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World's Saddest Polar Bear
by KindMeal.my, 28 August 2016
World's Saddest Polar Bear

More than 285,000 people have signed a petition calling for the closure of an aquarium in southern China that is home to an animal dubbed “the world’s saddest polar bear”. The lethargic bear, whose name is Pizza, is on show at an “ocean theme park” located inside the Grandview shopping centre in the city of Guangzhou.

The aquarium made international headlines after its opening in early January with one Hong Kong-based animal rights charity denouncing it as a “horrifying” animal prison. The park’s management initially rejected claims that Pizza was being mistreated. “The polar bear in the aquarium is very happy,” Li Chengtang, its deputy manager,told the Guangzhou Daily newspaper.

However, amid outrage over the dismal conditions in which the animals were being forced to live, as tourists posed for selfies beside them, members of the Hong Kong-based charity Animals Asia were invited to visit the aquarium in April. The activist group said the theme park’s management had been “genuinely shocked” by the international outcry and had sought advice on how to improve conditions.

Animals Asia said there was no indication the aquarium would be closed or its animals, which also include arctic wolves, beluga whales and walrus calves, rehoused.

Thousands of animals are suffering similar fate, or worse. Say NO to animals that are exploited for our "entertainment". Animals belong freely in the wild, not in cages.

We can also effectively reduce animal sufferings by eating less meat. Log on to http://KindMeal.my to support meat-free dining. Let all animals live in freedom!

Sources: The Guardian - http://bit.ly/2bldmH0, Animals Asia - http://bit.ly/2at6qT2 « Back To Articles