Sprouted grains, legumes, nuts and vegetables are showing up on the stores shelves an..
Sprouted grains, legumes, nuts and vegetables are showing up on the stores shelves and restaurant tables. Maybe you’ve noticed sprouted grain breads, sprouted sunflower seeds or sprouted almond butter in the organic and natural foods section. If you’re wondering what these sprouted foods are all about, here’s a little primer to help you understand the basics. What are sprouted foods?
Like the names suggests, they’re sprouts, germinated seeds of grains, legumes, nuts and vegetables that have started to become plants. When a food is in the stage between being a seed and being a full-blown plant, it has unique nutritional benefits. Benefits of sprouted foods
Certain nutrients, like calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc are easier to absorb from foods in the sprout stage. When foods get sprouted, the phytic acid that binds to those nutrients and makes them difficult to absorb gets neutralized. Sprouted foods are also easier to digest because sprouting changes the starchy part of the food. The starchy portion of the grain will have been digested by the young shoot to fuel its awakening. Since it’s the starch that makes many grains and legumes difficult to digest and contributes to the gas that some people get from them, the sprouted versions of foods that cause digestive problems can help alleviate those issues. Common sprouted foods
Of course, all seeds sprout, but not all of them are good to eat in their sprouted form. If you’re unfamiliar with what is safe and what is not, stick to the tried and true sprouts:
Alfalfa, Almonds, Barley, Broccoli, Buckwheat, Cabbage, Chia, Corn, Kidney beans, Lentils, Mung beans, Pumpkin, Radish, Sunflower
For dishes with sprouts and all manner of other wholesome, delicious vegetable-based meals, check out the KindMeal.my promotions this week – http://KindMeal.my
Source: http://bit.ly/1DcQDz8
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