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Chicken Police
by KindMeal.my, 30 January 2015
"All right, break it up, break it up!"

Rabbits might be docile and gentle creatures, but when pushed to their limits, even they can be antagonized. In this video, what might have started as a minor squabble over the last clover flower snack escalates into an all-out fight! In the human world, a battle of this proportion would likely be broken up by the cops, but who's going to respond to a bunny brawl?

The chicken cops are willing to step up and restore the peace. Jumping on the scene, these courageous hens are able to get the rabbits apart in no time at all. Then, like any good enforcers would, they give the rabbits a stern talking-to and a few seconds to cool off.

Hopefully the rabbits try to work out their issues peaceably in the future; next time the chicken cops will bring out the paw-cuffs.

We often underrate chickens' intelligence, and now it seems we're underestimating their EQ (emotional intelligence quotient), as well. Let's do our part in keeping the peace by eating fewer animals, and a great starting point on that journey is KindMeal.my, which offers enticing promotions on meat-free meals throughout the Klang Valley – http://KindMeal.my

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