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TEDx Talk: Reducetarianism
by KindMeal.my, 06 September 2016
TEDx Talk: Reducetarianism

What do you call a vegetarian who sometimes eats bacon?

“Regular old failure” is one term that might come to mind, given that some 80 percent of self-identified vegetarians eventually go back to including meat in their diets, according to a 2014 study.

Brian Kateman has a more positive spin. And he has a plan, to help folks who’d like to reap the benefits of vegetarianism — like better health, improving the environment and reducing animal cruelty — without entirely giving up their pork.

“Part of the problem with the vegan and vegetarian messaging is that it resonates with many people as an all-or-nothing commitment, that the only way to contribute to the environmental, animal welfare and health movement is to completely eliminate meat from a diet,” says Kateman, who debuted reducetarianism with a Tedx talk.

“The most effective question we can ask is not how can we increase the amount of vegetarians and vegans,” he says, “but rather, how can we reduce the amount of meat consumed?”

Periodic meatlessness is trendy enough that Beyonce publicly goes without sometimes, while vegan and vegetarian food is becoming easier to get every day — not to mention tastier, if sometimes weirder.

We at KindMeal share the same concept too — feasibly reducing meat consumption, rather than an all-or-nothing approach. And we strive to make it ever easier and tastier for you to achieve this, with our wide range of delicious meat-free deals at http://KindMeal.my.

Source: TEDx Talks - http://bit.ly/2csFpAs, Huffington Post - http://huff.to/18pFP6A « Back To Articles