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Jane Goodall Special: Coexistence for the Common Good
by KindMeal.my, 09 September 2016
Jane Goodall Special: Coexistence for the Common Good

For the first time in Malaysia, be enlightened by a once-in-a-lifetime Dialogue between Dr. Jane Goodall, world renowned primatologist and United Nations Messenger of Peace, and Venerable Master Chi Chern 繼程法師.

Date: Sunday, 30 Oct 2016
Time: 9.30am
Venue: SJKC Yuk Chai, Taman Megah

Individual tickets are priced between RM100 - RM500, and table purchases are available. 10% off for early birds before 30th Sep. All donations go to Roots & Shoots Malaysia.

Please contact Roots & Shoots Malaysia for details:

"Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved" — Dr. Jane Goodall. « Back To Articles