Teddy Bear the Porcupine Predicts Super Bowl XLIX Winner
First the octopus, now the porcupine...
Remember Paul, the octopus who predicted the outcomes of World Cup matches? Well, in the United States, it's Super Bowl Sunday, and Teddy the porcupine has made his statement about the likely winner.
Teddy is not just your average armchair sports fan, no sir. He has correctly predicted the outcomes of the past four (4!) Super Bowls, and with his hallmark nibbling and commentary, he reveals his vision for the victorious team in 2015.
Watching the Super Bowl is an annual ritual in the US, usually accompanied by massive quantities of snack food. Teddy would also like to predict that viewers' would benefit from sticking to vegetable-based munchies.
Here in Malaysia, he'd most likely recommend some meat-free appetisers like those on offer at httpa//KindMeal.my/:::http://KindMeal.my
Source: http://bit.ly/1JIBF7M
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