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California Bans Orca Breeding
by KindMeal.my, 20 September 2016
California Bans Orca Breeding

Back in March, SeaWorld said it would quit breeding orcas in captivity. It also said it would cut the animals out of theatrical shows. Now, that pledge will be enforced by law.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the Orca Protection and Safety Act into law on Tuesday. The law states orcas can still be used in educational shows but can't be bred in captivity or used in theatrical performances.

The documentary looks at the life of one orca at SeaWorld named Tilikum — the killer whale that was involved in the deaths of three people. SeaWorld received major backlash from animal rights groups after the film's release.

Organizations behind the bill are using the law as a way to make sure SeaWorld doesn't pivot on its decision. California is the first state to pass a law banning the breeding of killer whales.

Source: Newsy, http://bit.ly/2cBXeye « Back To Articles