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Did you know that this week is Meat-Free Week?
by KindMeal.my, 25 March 2015
Did you know that this week is Meat-Free Week?

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has prepared a superb selection of meat-free recipes and animal welfare articles in support of this movement to encourage healthier and more compassionate dining.

Here's an excellent message from Jamie Oliver:

"I'm a passionate meat lover but a big supporter of this cause. There’s no question from what world experts are telling us that having more of a plant-based diet, and eating less meat, is the key to a longer, healthier life, and super good for the planet too. I hope you support this week, and if you can’t, at least smash out a Meat-free Monday. I’m averaging two or three meat-free days a week at the moment and I’m loving it."

Visit his website for these great recipes and articles:

Meat-Free Week is an international event that encourages us to really think about and understand our meat consumption – how much we eat, where it comes from, and the impact that eating too much of it can have on our health, animal welfare and the environment. To learn more about this initiative, visit https://meatfreeweek.org/

What better time than now to begin exploring delicious meat-free meals? Download KindMeal.my app for free coupons, or browse our participating restaurants for tasty meals at http://KindMeal.my

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