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Prepare To Have Your Heart Melted
by KindMeal.my, 14 May 2014
Prepare to have your heart melted within seconds by these superbly adorable animals!

All lives -- be it humans, pets or other animals, are equally precious. Whether they have 2, 4, many or even no legs, they share core emotions of joy, suffer, pain and love that are no different from us.

Human language is never a barrier in mutual understanding and communication, as we all speak the universal language of love and compassion.

So let us lend our voice to these neglected animals. Show them our kindness, and share this beautiful planet peacefully with our dearest friends.

A great way is to start by reducing meat consumption. Make friends, not food! Enjoy delicious meat-free meals and save precious lives now:

Video Source: http://on.fb.me/1iMcxkY « Back To Articles