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World's Happiest Countries
by KindMeal.my, 22 March 2017
What makes a country happy? The United Nations considers the answer with its annual World Happiness Report, ranking a total of 155 countries.

Key ingredients for well-being include longer healthy years of life, more social support, trust in government, higher GDP per capita, and generosity.

This year’s list hosts the same top 10 countries as 2016, however some managed to jump the ranks while others fell. Most notably, Norway rose from fourth place to first this year, snatching the title from Denmark.

While the experiences of tourists were not considered specifically, the report sets a standard for blissful places to visit. After all, aren't smiles contagious?

Here are the happiest countries in the world and some of what makes them unique.

What about Malaysia? Our country stands at 42nd. Read the full report is at http://worldhappiness.report/.

(via NationalGeographic.com) « Back To Articles