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Dog & Cow: Best Friends Forever
by KindMeal.my, 09 July 2015
A cow and a dog are best friends? How is that possible?

Well, true friends hold no boundaries, and being the same species is certainly not a requirement.

Meet Kizzy and her best friend Reba the cow. These two kiss and share grain whenever they can. Reba loves to chew on Kizzy’s collar and groom her. Kizzy will lay on her back and put her paws around Reba’s head.

Animals enjoy friendship and companionship, just like us humans. Let us not take away this happy, beautiful experience of theirs, and reducing meat consumption is a great way to foster more of such relationships.

Enjoy delicious meat-free meals now at http://KindMeal.my

Best friends forever!

Source: http://bit.ly/1eFrBBP « Back To Articles