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Donkey Family Reunion
by KindMeal.my, 10 July 2015
It's family reunion time!

The great folks at Farm Sanctuary in California managed to reunite this family of donkeys, guaranteeing that the mothers and sons will live out the rest of their lives together, as they would have done in the wild.

All too often, it's common practice to break up the natural family groups of farmed animals. When we do this to fellow humans, we call it slavery; why do we not find it just as abhorrent when we do it to animals?

By reducing the amount of meat in our diets, we can make a measurable change in the lives of farmed animals by reducing the demand.

Take your whole family out for a compassionate, meat-free meal at one of our http://KindMeal.my partners!

Source: https://goo.gl/RK58b9 « Back To Articles