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What Is The World's Deadliest Animal?
by KindMeal.my, 17 July 2015
What Is The World's Deadliest Animal?

When we think about dangerous animals, our minds go in the wrong direction altogether. Lions, tigers, bears or sharks?

Nope! There is more than one surprise in this infographic video.

The big predators, such as sharks, are very important parts of their ecosystem, so let's give them a break – no more shark-fin soup, no more bear bile or pseudo-medicines from big cats.

While we're at it, let's show farmed animals the same compassion and respect by having a meat-free Monday. Heck, with all the choices on http://KindMeal.my, we could happily eat meat-free every day, but at least start the week off right.

Source: http://goo.gl/Y9FXZn « Back To Articles