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The Falkland Islands are known as one of the world’s penguin capitals. Recently, one ..
by KindMeal.my, 18 July 2015
The Falkland Islands are known as one of the world’s penguin capitals. Recently, one penguin somehow got separated from the others and ended up at the Cape Pembrokeshire Nature Reserve located outside the Falkland Islands capital city, Stanley.

Sarah Crofts, of Falklands Conservation, a nonprofit organization, was at the reserve feeding three horses when she saw the penguin, Daily Mail reports. "At first I couldn't believe what I was seeing; I think the horses were as shocked as I was,” Crofts told Daily Mail. "I didn't think the horses would take much notice of the penguin, but I couldn't believe how fascinated they were with it. I'm really enthusiastic about horses and penguins so it was an incredible moment to witness.

Horses in Stanley don't normally have contact with penguins, so it must have been a real novelty for them. At first the herd approached the penguin slowly and with their heads low so they could check him out at eye level. But it didn't take long for the horses to become braver and soon they were nose to beak -- it was such a lovely moment.”

Crofts added, "The horses were genuinely curious about the penguin and it seemed to turn into a game for them where they'd check him out one by one and then run off. After a while it was as if the horses didn't want to let the penguin out of their sight.”

If only we humans could treat each other (and other animals!) in this way – with some friendly curiosity and gentle hospitality. Do you have some new neighbours that you've just met for the first time? Why not invite them to join you for a meal, and make it a compassionate, meat-free meal, at that?

Check out http://KindMeal.my for options that will appeal to everyone!

Source: http://goo.gl/61NI6e « Back To Articles