Compassion Over Killing's cover photo
December 9: Join us in Maryland for this special celebration of compassion for all! **Tickets must be purchased in advance & space is limited, so please get your tickets today at https://cok.net/holidayparty!**
Indulge in a delicious vegan buffet, including desserts from Vegan Treats, laugh it up with special guest comedian Myq Kaplan, hear an inspiring talk by COK’s Erica Meier and the moving poetry of Tommy Raskin.
Don't miss your chance to bid on exciting items in our silent auction. Plus, we’ll share the very best of our love and hate mail for the year!
Hero Happy Hour: Want to kick off the celebration sooner? Select our Hero Happy Hour tickets to arrive early for an open bar, sweet and savory appetizers, a special gift bag, and a meet-and-greet with former COK investigator Scott David, laughs with Myq Kaplan, and more.
Source: Compassion Over Killing
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