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今天,我们亲爱的Office Manager为素食同事主办了快乐的pot luck, 同时, 也让非素食同事见识和享受到.. see more
初一咯,开始倒数过新年啦😄今天煲了四川菜豆腐汤,奶油金瓜灰蚝菇和清炒香港菜心😋感恩呐🙇🏻大家用餐愉快🙏🏼 see more

Yo! What i spot???? Sedapnya! I love konyaku! At jusco
The konjac food is delivered to my house yesterday! We ordered 6 thin noodle, 2 kuey tiaw, and 2 rice, total 10 packets. Hope my m.. see more
今天没下雨了吔😁可是还是冷冷滴,煮了余片汤,放多多的姜片和胡椒粉去寒呗。再来个迎节的蒜苗炒豆干😃 see more
