The first outlet of Samurai Ramen UMAMI Restaurant Malaysia is located in JB, AEON Mall Tebrau City. They have planning to open in.. see more
Nice Loh Mee... Delicious.... Yummy!! Curry Mee also taste good! Reasonable price.

早早就嘎吱嘎吱響不停😂只因為這餅實在有夠脆 大家有沒有看過這種餅😆而月華多數是在馬來人檔口看見的一款小吃,說貴不貴說便宜.. see more

Beetroot ravioli with cashew ricotta, inspired by @365cleane.. see more
今早有做順順利利的筍粿😂(沙葛蘿蔔餡) 原本想做水晶粿,所以一股腦的把餡料炒香香 然後再來做粿皮,才驚到原來是我犯單戀😩.. see more
终于清完冰橱里的菜,和平🈶️机小白菜拌豆瓣酱素鱼片,和平有机包菜炒红萝卜丝草菇,高山红米饭(特香滴说😋)感恩呐🙇🏻 see more
