Home cooked breakfast moment. 清晨在家里的悠闲早晨时刻。 see more
辣椒臭豆,和平有机西兰花炒灰蚝菇,炸圆豆包和娃儿最爱的Dhal+蛇瓜😁 see more
Victoria market Melbourne. Many types of vegi and fruits availble. 1dollar mango was heaven
Spinach bread with cheese. From Melbourne Australia. I forgot the shop name. But always long cue! Near Victoria market.
Pad thai and summer roll. Mixture of Thai, Vietnam and korean food..haha
一個星期沒吃 #sandalo 香道灣的食物。。。好想念。。今天終於可以吃了。 😁 see more