For all you petai lovers out there, here's a raw vegan Samba.. see more
These Davina Da Vegan treats will be on sale this weekend at the Food Booth! by Borneo Addict x Davina Da Vegan. Pumpkin Tofu Quic.. see more

素食学校与吉隆坡慈济联办素食烹饪课程, 11月5日PJ中心的名额未满,还来得及报名哦! :D PJ 社教中心 +603 .. see more
今天不是我的天😂因為所做的食物有失手也失敗⋯ 就平時做的千層咖喱角麵皮也出狀況,沒法子⋯就死馬當活馬醫😅把它們混一起包了.. see more

因为bogo day 所以买一送一的subway,很夸张的卖到面包也缺货。剩下wrap皮而已,感觉很也很好吃😋 see more
TRICK OR TREAT!!! Episode 1 of a new season of VELICIOUS wi.. see more
丢回星期日的早餐-咖喱云吞面和果条汤在Simpang Ampat, Pearl City的新建档口 see more
Monthly free vegan lunch at office. There's papadam too, but I didn't take photo of it. This round there's Deepawali snacks from c.. see more