A lunchbox for my witching lunch hour today as Halloween approaches. Carrot-and-pumpkin rice jack-o-lanterns and jicama ghosts on .. see more
Today special Nasi Lemak 今天有好好吃的椰浆饭。。 see more
Chickpea Tempeh success! This took 72 hours to ferment... I know many of you have been asking when I'll conduct the next tempeh cl.. see more
安娣Fanny今日再继续推出特餐,色香味俱全嘅Rendang洋肉饭又返来喇,之前等咗好耐嘅,快快过来喇,咪话无通知哦。😜.. see more
有机南瓜一点也不浪费皮和籽都可以吃哦,和平有机小白菜和🥕一起炒日本豆腐再+个毛豆。午餐搞定啦😸 see more
沒有華麗的裝飾,就純粹想做一道仿真意大利番茄肉醬麵~Spaghetti Bolognese。 顧名思義,這是一道需要用到.. see more
Vege Art
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每年九皇爷诞泰国曼谷都会有素食嘉年华,必去7-11扫货,目前只知道7-11有卖吧了,去了各大商场超市都没有,而且卖完就不.. see more
怡保Vegenation Cafe 原素坊 是我在怡保里面最喜欢的素食馆。 see more

怡保Shi Fang Zai Vegetarian Restaurant 十方斋

So happy to be able to make a vegan version of Chilli Pan Mee!