🙏🏼🍱大家吃🍱🙏🏼星期四便当日,给娃儿准备了蛋卷饭+和平农场有机玉米粒😇感恩呐🙇🏻大家用餐愉快🙏🏼 see more
谢谢乔明老师的支持!感恩!一共追加到52盒。260片酿豆腐。谢谢你们的支持。 see more
For Mataha Lovers like me, I highly recommend that you try their Matcha Red Bean Cake! Smooth Texture with generous creamy Matcha .. see more
Simple Garden Cafe
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Happy Mid Autumn Festival
🙏🏼🎑大家吃🎑🙏🏼中秋节快乐,星期三维根日又遇到八月十五😇午餐还是普普通通的吃,🈚️蛋🈚️奶🈚️五辛👍感恩呐🙇🏻大家用餐.. see more
Hungry at late night? Seeking for Supper? Looking for Lok Lo.. see more
