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My mum's delicious petai fried rice, packed with fresh, fragrant (though some people call it smelly haha) petai! The fried rice is.. see more

FatJedi's Kitchen |
早餐在衛星市用, 素咖喱羊肉飯~讚👍
今天的晚餐很丰富, 有外婆拿手的sambal petai, 妈妈的酸梅蒸鲍鱼菇,清炒小白菜和黑豆甜菜根汤! 开饭咯! see more
雪洲Puchong记得亭这里有很多素食还有美味糖水。(芝麻糊星期2,4,6 花生糊星期1,3,5) see more
由于茗原素之家的酿豆腐反应非常热烈,从原本星期天和初一,十五卖的酿豆腐,增加多一天星期六。改为星期六,星期天和初一,十五.. see more
I ordered this "Vege Spicy Sauce" pasta out of curiosity of the name. Apparently it is pesto pasta, nothing spicy! 😁 Nevertheless,.. see more

媽媽煮的 bubur cacar 糖水,是我從小到大的最愛😘😍 see more