蔬沙丁鱼 吃到大家liam liam lei😋😋😋 其实最开心的事,莫过于做出连荤食者都赞不绝口的素食料理 see more
前一阵有看到有素友寻问这个素料(没错的话)😄,这是我无意间看到的就在这里买到的 see more
煮飯時間不煮飯 跑去包雲吞 包了雲吞 我飽了😂 純素無素料雲吞 食材份量都大概 豆乾,黑木耳,香菇,辣椒,紅蘿蔔,小白菜.. see more
Alcoholic high tea at this elegant cafe. Ordered their creamy Brandy hot chocolate, paired with an ice-cream Tiramisu with Kahlua... see more
喝著蕃薯綠豆銀耳湯 看著黑黑天,要雨不雨 看著洗好的地,曬出去的衣服 哈咯🙏🏻天公tolong tolong麥落水啊 see more
面食类 RM9.00起 Vegetarian Curry Laksa at Hoa Kee White Coffee 素.. see more
懶人一鍋燜🤭麻薑芋頭燜 食材很隨喜,放入合適的食材就OK -薑片,香菇,猴頭菇,芋頭,胡蘿蔔,凍豆乾,汆燙西蘭花,枸杞 .. see more
🍆Şakşuka (Turkish Eggplant Shakshuka Recipe) 🍆 Trying out Ch.. see more