Yummy meal of omellete with pine nuts and lettuce, curry mutton and marinated snow vege with peanuts. Their double boiled soup is.. see more

累到像鬼腳不著地 可是胃卻精力旺盛 還能怎樣⋯煮吧 紅棗蓮藕湯(蓮藕,紅棗,紅皮花生,眉豆,腰豆,栗子,玉米,香菇) 素.. see more
Burger RM5.00 onwards Mataji s Vegetarian Corner at Taman Selera Jalan Othman Add : Gerai no.10, Taman Selera Jalan Othman, 46000.. see more
Oooh my dinner is colour coordinated! Unintentional 💛 guess .. see more
米暹 Mee Siam,一份看似简单的炒米粉,但是配上特制的酱料,撒上香菜,挤上几滴酸柑汁,酸甜辣香,令人回味无穷! 😋.. see more
一碗搞定的純素食 我也不懂這叫什麼 因為有點懶惰 所以就把喜歡的食物煮一起 薑片,老薑麻油是必須的 乾煎芋頭和豆乾,再來.. see more
-綜合沙拉菜 -羽衣甘藍芽苗 -小蕃茄 -鷹嘴豆 -紫馬鈴薯 -牛油果泥 -鷹嘴豆沙拉醬 -冷壓初榨橄欖油 -義大利香醋 see more