有了二娃后,好久没有那么花心机煮素G饭了😅 趁着学校假期在家就搞一搞让吃货大娃🎉🎉😆 #杏鲍菇 #腐皮 #素鸡饭 see more
無需大動作,無需油煙滿天飛😂 就只需要切,擺入,淋上薑母麻油燜煮出水,再加入調好的miso豆漿水稍微滾一滾,最後放竹鹽昆.. see more
Brinjal with angled beans
Kl甲洞fadasan 枣子树。 这里有我爱吃的炒粿条面,对正我的囗味,好吃👍,再加上Teh Ais 😋, 满足的一餐.. see more
Medal Mad Cafe
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Assam laksa had very soft silky thick white rice noodles. Not the normal chewy transparent type. Broth was very spicy at beginning.. see more
Newly opened vegetarian restaurant, taking over the earlier one, Natural. Tried their braised Nam Yu Hakka pork, braised salted fi.. see more
【峇株吧辖96茶餐室-印度素食档 Kedai Kopi 96 in Batu Pahat - Indian Vegeta.. see more
Tapao from Soul Kitchen 😋