Hello kitty raw vegan Mooncakes!! 😻
Today’s salad! How many veggies can you spot? 😃
相信很多素食者都经常会面对一个人孤独的吃饭,店家随便一碗汤其实已经温暖了很多人的心 他们家的酱爆豆腐从来不会让人失望🥰🥰.. see more
🌸I found Ulam Raja and Ulam Raja Flowers and decided to make.. see more
经济面RM4.00起 Roadsite Vegetarian stall opposite of Perabot Mod.. see more
Lohas Vegetarian Bistro
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当通心粉遇到 Taste Capture 味德 的Indonesia Soto Paste😍 ☔又懒得大煮,又想暖身祛风.. see more