Rich, fragrant mushroom pasta, with chewy mushrooms, truffle oil and truffle cream. Paired with a beetroot Kombucha. The food ther.. see more
Home cooked vegetarian sambal
午餐通常 有时间就自己煮~ 没时间时也只能靠外带 (打包)了 再便宜的经济饭也要看 上班路途顺不顺路. 堵不堵车经常还要.. see more
Hazukido Malaysia Midvalley, LGC-Z-38&39, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 59200 K.. |
刚好有买到青萝卜,就煲个青红萝卜玉米无花果素汤🥣,配碗芥菜咸饭🍚,幸福就是这么简单🥰🥰🥰 此汤清香甘口美味,解暑滋润保健.. see more
☔,天气凉凉冷冷,忽然想吃Carbonara🍝😅 就来个没有什么体重脂肪罪恶感的无蛋无面粉无奶油的纯素白酱意大利面 Ve.. see more