送上这道妈妈自制酿豆腐/辣椒/秋葵/茄子(DIY Yong Tau Fu)给大家! 酿料是用 VG King的素鲔鱼(V.. see more
Still testing the recipe, not completely happy with it yet b.. see more
Kl甲洞八仙素食阁。 下雨天的傍晚,这里还是一样那么多人。今天吃了蛮不错的蒙古素扒 😋。还打包了炒朱长粉,罗卜糕和芋头糕.. see more
Kl甲洞百仙阁素食饭店。 第一次来吃,有惊喜,我点的每一道菜都不错 😋,尤其是咖哩鱼头和奶油田鸡,金砖豆腐也不错。 听说.. see more
Yin’s Rocket Pesto (Oil-Free) I decided I wanted to add in s.. see more
[Recipe] 手撕包菜 Hand-Ripped Cabbage/Chinese Stir-Fry Cabbage .. see more