Green On Earth. So long didnt eat from there. Love it! The .. see more
Vegetarian Chicken Rice
无国界菇料理 22 Jalan Puteri 2/2, 47100 Puchong |
🍶CHAI SPICED TURMERIC MILK🍶 Trying out Deb Durrant of @delic.. see more
Raw Vegan Lunch - Singapore Noodles based on a recipe by Deb.. see more
天冷冷,不想動 但越是不動就越冷,所以還是起來動一動 煮飯吧,靠火暖和些(以為拍戲麼🙄靠什麼火,家裡都是電磁爐⋯ 煮菜吧.. see more
The best vegetarian bread I ever eaten after the ones in for.. see more
Today's acai bowl! Feeling a bit extra 😉
午餐不知道要吃什么,就弄个简单健康的《金瓜汤》+刚出炉的黑麦亚麻籽酸种面包=💯 see more