點餐說要吃泰式青咖哩 特別註明要海鮮的 所以就拿自製的泰式青咖哩醬出來,再另外加入香料 僅有的,合適的蔬菜(茄子,長豆,.. see more
I guess I'll call them Moringa Pandan with real Mango eclairs?
Trying Nestle's Harvest Gourmet schnitzel, served with my mom's delicious homemade oyster onion sauce. The schnitzel is very crisp.. see more
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Started sprouting mung beans daily these days...can you spot.. see more
妈妈说这几天看婶婶的家常便饭,原来素食可以这样煮这样变啊‼ 顿时感觉原来要煮出美味的素食不是什么超级难事了🥳 婶婶今天的.. see more
打第一针 第二天 微发热 有点累 不想动 也懒得煮 所以就随便啦啦下 做wrap来当一餐 煲了一大锅的 24味凉茶 希.. see more
番茄苦瓜水豆付汤 素咸鱼炒饭