朋友介绍,不错吃的叉烧包😋,菜包也不错,咖哩包就普通。朱肠粉有点特别,可以一试。 平时工作时,Part time 都有做.. see more
手擀肉燥面 Minced "Pork" Noodles with Handmade Noodles & Chili Oi.. see more
Chawan Tea
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Throwback to a white gold cake for my lovely fren who always work hard for other but always neglect herself. Only thinks for other.. see more
参考群友食谱尝试新菜色😊 #凤梨炒苦瓜 #照烧茄子素曼余 #海苔豆腐汤 see more
這咖喱CCF太好吃了😋 一份還真的不夠😂 聽說好像限量發售,而且只有MCO才會看到「它」的蹤影 see more
🍄MUSHROOM BASIL STIR FRY (raw vegan) 🍄 I whipped this up eas.. see more