一饭一菜…足矣🙏 麻辣香锅少了莲耦😂但也很满足了… 姜末、辣椒干、麻椒粒炒香加入豆瓣酱炒一炒加入 煎香的杏鲍菇、香芹、包.. see more
Opor Tempeh + Mushroom INGREDIENTS 180 g Tempeh 70g Portobel.. see more
As simple as a meal like this seems, I had do a lot of menta.. see more
Made some Hong Kong style porridge. Super soft and hearty!
惜福咸粥 椰浆饭
My girl loves enoki. So I buy alot n put in fridge. Grilled Bacon Enoki is yummy! Love it!
My mum's cake. Lol. Pink, flowers and abit of gold leaves. Lovely! Lol! Ownself praise ownself.