Vegetarian stall at Fun Kopitiam 素食档在叹Fun杯 Add : No.2, Jala.. see more
Claypot rice for dinner. Add omnimeat to it to see if it gives me a Wu Liu Lang (rich man) feel.. but no leh.. lol.. Added the sw.. see more
Extra dark. Like the number of positive cases yesterday. A bitter 6075. Why didn't everyone stay home and just eat their cookies?.. see more
紅燒豆腐湯(忘了下豆腐😓) 好久沒煮了
隔水燉無糖養顏四姊妹 桃膠+皂角米+珊瑚草+雪燕為主角 紅棗+龍眼為配角 滋潤糖水+免費陽光 心生向陽,日日保持好心情 see more
Negative 12 Degrees
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好久没有煮饭了,来个四菜一汤。第一次尝试新餐肉,味道是不错的,不过不是非吃不可的食物。 see more