雪洲 Kelana Jaya 怡心园素食风味小馆。 Mco 3 只能打包,还是阻止不了我对 Roti Canai 的情有.. see more
🍚Cheating Loh Mai Kai by Raw Chef Yin (cooked, vegan) I watc.. see more
Been on hiatus for too long for my own cooking class and today, I am back to action. With my lovely cooking partner, we manage to .. see more
有機小米,有機紅米,有機野米,有機黃豆,有機黑豆,有機紅豆 浸泡,催芽,乾燥,打粉,收成 不是很專業,帶著好奇好玩心態下.. see more
Bakery cafe opened by a musician. He practices his bassoon instrument in the shop, so you get free live musical performance! The s.. see more
Sweet and sour pork made vegan. Sweet and sour is almost eve.. see more
Yesterday I attempted to make one of Mummy’s favourite dishe.. see more
Mochi Cake. Poached Pineapple. Sherbet. and now I'm too full from this for lunch ahahahahaha. I think I'd rather eat the pineapple.. see more