Mee Goreng Mamak + Hot Lemongrass Drink
Serai @KL East Mall |
我吃飽咯😄 冷天喝湯最溫暖 有紅入心扉的甜菜根湯 用甜菜根,玉米,蘿蔔,銀耳,薑片隔水燉煮即可(無調味,因為湯頭已經夠滋.. see more
Now I understand why spinach & feta is the most common veget.. see more
I have my own preference for Lor Mai Gai. All I can say is, the combination of the mushrooms and vegetarian chicken with the gluti.. see more

晚餐有繼續早上的燜物😄 清炒一份菜心 干煎一份偽蛋 一碗雜糧米飯 see more
Healthy chocolate chips cookies 🍪🍪🍪 recipe by Raw Chef Yin I.. see more

Yam cake by @redhillvegkit is nice! You can visit their IG and buy from them. Really like the texture as it is soft and not hard. .. see more
