Love Hwa Jin Mee Rebus.. having them since my secondary school and the taste never run.. standard is always there just the fried g.. see more
之前趁还可以三个人出门赶快去吃个晚餐先… 点了想吃很久的亚参素豆包余,XO酱炒龟豆苗、招牌炒面和单坐的世界名片🤣 这一次.. see more
FIG CHIA PUDDING by Raw Chef Yin @misteravo sent me lovely f.. see more
呵呵😄 一菜一飯一湯又報到 樹仔菜枸杞湯 薑絲小辣炒菇菇(波特菇,金針菇 紅糙米雜糧飯(三寶粉 see more
好开胃大口大口扒饭 吃到一半才记得拍照 📷 KL甲洞杨园素(i love veggie 同一排店) 现在有优惠吃够30块.. see more
I hope my Malaysian friends have gotten off to a mindful sta.. see more
持家有道,家餚天天到 賞, 金薯一根,保體安康 回歸原味 重新認識好滋味 飲食盡量少添加 味蕾會越來越敏銳 是真的😄 see more
我待你甜蜜蜜, 你卻回報酸辣湯給我 啊尼款無公平😭 里麥烏白講喔,郎西誠心誠意煮的啦 不正宗台式酸辣湯是用番茄煮的湯底啦.. see more
[RECIPE] Crispy Fried Enoki 🔥🍄 Sharing with you a simple fri.. see more
香芋扣豆腐 Braised Tofu with Taro 🌶🧅🧄 The other day I was having .. see more