What I’ve learned about making Lentil Soup: 🍲SOAK & SLOW COO.. see more
今天晚飯長這樣子😄 有機椰油蝶豆花長米三色藜麥飯 有機薑黃炒包菜 自製sambal煮番茄杏鮑菇 see more
Back to my favorite dim sum place! Ordered the fried radish cake, porridge, chee cheong fun, char siew bao, salted egg bao, steame.. see more

Simple and nice
M'Laboori 55A, Jalan SS2/75, 47300 Petaling Jaya |
Oooooh that time when I made a sweet banana pizza. Yummmmy yummmm. 16 August 2020. Chocolate sauce made from scratch with Organicu.. see more
It's still not too late to make some flaky yummy Matcha Red .. see more