Love me a mighty bowl of Bibimbap! A flaxseed ‘egg’ in the m.. see more
经济又简单好吃的素菜, 做法也很容易。 #杏鲍菇制菜园G 1. 杏鲍菇250g去菇头切半拍扁, 放入清水放冰箱一天( .. see more
😋😋下乞食以養生命😋😋 #簡單遲來的午餐 #民以食為天食以素為先 #素食無蛋釀豆腐 see more
Vegetarian Pepper Soup with Rice French Toast

What I made for lunch today! Supposed to be a gyoza but I decided to use rice paper instead of white flour coz I don't like white .. see more