今天的晚餐😘 今天买了刚入马来西亚市场的Omnipork ,但是马来西亚的包装是OmniMeat 😊 用它来酿有机青辣椒.. see more
昨天吃素白斩G,今天吃素叉烧饭,早煮好,等下要载娃儿放学,饿了的话请先视吃😂 see more
When all the leftovers in the fridge come together for a Mex.. see more
顾客一而再的询问之下,安娣Fanny再煮出闻到味都会流口水,非常之开胃嘅 亚叁鱼饭。 未试过嘅就要快快过来试一试咯~ #.. see more
今天午餐吃鲜木耳炒饭+玛尼菜汤。素,就这么简单,哪里有难度😁😁😁😁 see more
Dry toss noodle with minced mushroom and shallot-infused oil.. see more
Went Sushi Jiro but didnt order Sushi. Abit regret as this Omu Garlic Fried Rice is not that nice as I thought.
Sushi Jiro Lot 5.13A & 15, Level 5, NU Sentral, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala.. |
炒面 (1包半) 有运动天的晚餐 允许自己吃多一点carbo 哈哈哈 see more
开箱‼️素食螺蛳粉🌶️号称最臭的方便面😂😂 它会臭,主要是因为有那个酸笋,一打开闻起来就像我家那只臭猫的💩😂 不过味道还.. see more
Sharkfin dumpling ramen, kung po chicken rice and a huge plate of char siew surrounded by steamed buns. The char siew is still the.. see more