RAW VEGAN MANGO CHUTNEY I tried out this recipe by Chef Kanc.. see more
Veggie pot pie saved the canned peas in the cabinet! Because.. see more
EGG SANDWICH 🥪without egg🐣💕 Do you miss egg sandwich but you.. see more
醒来就有茶叶蛋 吃 不懂有没有入味呢。。。
We’ve just started making our own tortilla wraps at home and.. see more
一堆air fried马铃薯 + 杯黄姜蜜糖水
純素 天然色玉米造型饅頭 明明在平地,以為會是普通種黃玉米 卻不知誤踩金馬倫高原⋯ 蹦出來的卻是奶白玉米😂 我的老天鵝啊.. see more
After all the hype, I wanted to try out pancake cereal... bu.. see more
早上的功課,純素天然炸G塊 已經沒庫存😂所以今早有料快手做 一樣的多變! 顯然快手抓到小嫩G🤣所以內餡比上一次來得軟嫩 .. see more