Finally can dine in again! Back for my favorite crispily roasted BBQ char siew, curry mutton and spinach soup. Some items like ste.. see more
純素 健康版素肉燥醬+kosong麵 就是今天的簡易午餐😂 看得出是什麼做的嗎🤣 那天有煮給姐姐吃,她說好吃 問是不是素.. see more
MCO以来 第一次外面堂食 Underground coco milk & Underground roasted te.. see more
:3 One of the yummiest pizzas I've had ever! My mom made this from scratch with her homemade bread, delicious sauces, including ve.. see more
What I eat for breakfast - Superfoods Smoothie!
HEIRLOOM TOMATO + ZUCCHINI LASAGNA Ehm, this is my adaptatio.. see more
520❤️早餐-洛神花果醬麵包 520❤️午餐-簡便的鹹粥 520❤️晚餐-漢堡餐,雞素肉漢堡,假仿蛋餅,咖哩香草白玉菇.. see more