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From my balcony I can see the ‘mamak’ where I could stroll d.. see more
Davina Da Vegan
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番薯叶煎蛋 + 紫菜花生汤
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我的午餐 随随便便的一碗汤 #没面 玉蜀黍 + 豆腐 + 紫菜 + 香菇 + 番茄 + 红萝卜 + 青豆 see more
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Aglio olio spaghetti🍝
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我的午餐 双倍巨无霸汉堡🍔 + 鸡蛋X2 + 豆干X2片 + 番茄🍅X1 + 日本黄瓜 + 乳酪X1片 + 迷你port.. see more
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午餐吃不飽,結果媽媽又要轉進廚房準備下午茶 Onde-onde、花生糖湯圓、蕃薯小芋仔椰糖水 see more
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Another superbly worth it meal at just RM9.80, inclusive of free delivery! Ordered Tedboy's classic aglio olio with juicy mushroom.. see more
G-11 Ground Floor, The Sphere, No.1 Avenue 1, Bangsar South,..
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清一清冰箱,麵包,糖水,蕃薯全翻熱❤️ 失敗的麵包當餅皮做pizza see more
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Papaya milk..boost vit c
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我的晚餐。。。 清蒸 while steam的同时 底部煮简单紫菜汤 #SetTimer等下就可以吃了 see more
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For just RM 10, I can now get a flat white, grilled eggplant sandwich, blueberry danish, apple crumble & almond custard bun — norm.. see more
10, Jalan Telawi 4, 59100 Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur
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