Lunch.... One of the fav places that I used to have my meals there...
今天来个不凡的午饭«芽菜白斩素G饭» 满意度 100% 成就感 100% 食物美味分 80% 再接再厉....下次会更好.. see more
Hummus wrap with sun-dried tomatoes, pickled olives, capsicum and plenty of crunchy fresh vegetables. The lightly-salted potato cr.. see more
思念妈妈的味道~ 从煮菜白痴渐渐尝试烹调不同的中餐,算是工作之余,从烹饪中探索生活上的成就感 😝😝😝 献丑了~ see more
Homecook Maggi Goreng.. When u try to make someone's meal more healthier - - - - >add cherry tomato besides eggs
![](/images/icon_shop_moment.png) |
Owl Nest |
老闆有在家盯著😒所以月華得正經八百來上菜! 因為太正經所以沒靈感,就青菜做個紅油抄手吃爽爽😅 說到底就是水煮餛飩啦😂再加.. see more
![](https://www.kindmeal.my/photos/moment/19/19235-32424-m.jpg) ![](https://www.kindmeal.my/photos/moment/19/19235-32425-m.jpg)
RAW VEGAN CORN BREAD I bought some fresh corn from this smal.. see more