男人只不过是一碟 辣死妈妈
Is it me, or did Artisan Roast drop the price of their soy o.. see more
Vege yong tau fu. My favorite is the bitter gourd yong tau fu. Located at kepong, yong tau fu only available on weekend and 1st an.. see more
簡易的晚餐,一湯一菜一飯☺️ 有機蕃薯葉炒辣蝦米(蕃薯葉,素蝦米,自製辣椒糊,自製調味粉) 有機海帶芽香菇麻油湯(麻油,.. see more
Decent vegetarian dishes.
感謝🙏感恩各位新舊朋友的支持! 多謝幫襯😘 敬請留意: 我們從25/2至3/3/2019休息幾天補眠😄 4/3繼續開工! see more
时常有素友要食谱的 蜜汁天呗(我的大概煮法) 天呗一包切片,马铃薯1-2颗去皮切片油炸至金黄捞出。冷锅入酱汁(清水150.. see more